Wednesday, 30 March 2016


How to earn money from Facebook without investment

Facebook is a world No 1 social networking.Today almost every one might have one or more Facebook accounts.That’s why Facebook getting lot of revenue.So then how you earn money from Facebook without investment. Before going to write this article, I wish to confirm you one thing, officially you cannot earn money from Facebook and Facebook does not give single rupee to you. But you can earn money from Facebook services by using some Marketing and social links tactics. I confirmed gain officially and unofficially Facebook will not give you money.

Ways to earn money from Facebook

1.By Using Facebook Account :-
you could earn money the use of your Facebook account. For that you need to add extra pals to your account. I think you could have doubt, what if I add more friends to my account. yes there is a one way to earn cash.Surely in facebook each account has most 5,000 buddies limit .Because if you post any status in your account, it's going to reach 5,000 buddies.This wide variety is enough to begin your way to earn cash.In place of your posts simply share an affiliate advertisements links.If any one buy any product from your account you may get fancy commission.If you do not know about affiliate marketing read here.


Note:-Do not make your facebook buddies assume,you have been adding  them for your business promotions.If they think like that they will un-friend you.And we recommended you add high level people and who is regularly using Facebook, because there is chance to make purchase online products from your affiliate links.

2.By Using Facebook Fan page :- Every facebook user is familiar with Facebook pages. Because every organizations, celebrities, movies, channels, websites, blogs, products, entertainment sites having pages. There are some advantages of facebook page, because of in each account we can add 5,000 friends only, in facebook page there is no limit and every one can like your page and getting your updates.So there is a chance to spread your advertisements to more people. Choose any topic below and start your fan page.We are commended do not start share advertisements on your page until it reaches 1000 likes and if your reach 1000+ likes share 3 advertisements links.Because if you share more advertisements often, people think your page is only for business purpose, then there is a chance to unlike your fan page immediately.


Note:- Do not let others posts offensive and regions and religion  related and adult content on your page
Topics to Creating Facebook page 

                            1.Movie starts Related page
                            2. Cricketers related page
                            3. Jokes and funny videos related page
                            4. Technlogy related updates page
                            5.News related page around the world

3.By Using Facebook Groups :- Facebook groups are another way to earn money from facebook. Because after fan pages, groups having that much of popular. So you can create a facebook group and make it public, so everyone can post their posts or status. For using public group you have one advantage and one disadvantage, you should beware of it while configure public or protected. If you make it your group as public any one would posts their posts and articles to your posts, so gradually you no need to put efforts on publicity of your group, this is advantage. One big disadvantage is offensive messages and posters or adult content, you should be aware of it, if it is public group. You can change private to your group, if you do that no one will posts their messages or pictures directly to your group.You will get their request to post their articles and messages in your group, you can accept if you’re like their request. You can earn money from affiliate marketing with your group. if you do not know what is affiliate marketing check here.


Note:- Do not let others posts offensive and regions and religion  related and adult content on your page

Topics to create Groups:-

                                1.You can choose jokes related groups
                       can create Cricket related Groups
                                3.You can create Movie stars new related Groups
                                4.You can create Technology related Groups
                                5.You can create Education related Groups

How to start earn money from using that page

1. Sell your page space: - You can sell your facebook space for third party advertisement publishers.Why because of by using your fan page they will expand their market. Because of you are page having Lacks of likes.What advertiser think if I promote my advertisement through this page ,advertisement has seen by lacks of people.
You may have doubt How to get third party advertisements ?
There is no secret here; you just post one status about your page and likes.

Hai friends ,do want your page getting more likes ,or do want expand your business, we offer  advertisement space with low cost ,My Page has 3.5 Lac + likes  and bottom of you page give your mail id ,I sure you will get messages from advertisers.

Note :- But make sure ,Do not post your above status message in your page ,because your page liker’s thought ,you were creating page for business. So you need to posts your status other public groups or pages.

2.Sell your facebook group  :- Same as facebook page ,you can also sell your group space for advertisements.

3.Get third party advertisements :- If you want sell your facebook fan page  space,you can sell your page space in Shopsomething


4.Sell your e-book : You can sell your e-books (PDF) by your facebook page or facebook group members.You can write article or short stories or any other information you have ,make sure its not copy righted material ,you just type in MS word and make it a PDF and share in your page.Do not put all pages to see,just share sample of 2 or 3 pages of your book.If they like your content ,they will buy your book.

5.Sell your face book page : if you do not want let your fan page to continue ,you can sell your page if you have lacks of page likes.

1. Add two or more Admins for your page, and share your revenue with them. Because one person may not put all his effort, does team work .it will give more likes?
2. Do not expect instant result, we make sure ,you will be success if you put your creative efforts and one think also do not share affiliate or any other third party advertisements on your page until you reached 1000+ likes, because of, first grab page viewers later you will apply your earning strategies
3. We recommended post 4 advertisements per day only, because of if you post frequently ads on your page, your page viewer may get distraction for your page, gradually you will lose likes. So do not do that. Apply creative tactics. Or you can post creative advertisement on your page.

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